Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I like to go to this website when I am bored. http://www.thinkgeek.com I get a kick out of the many products that they feature. The website pages are set up in a grid pattern to layout all the products. The home page has a huge banner advertising and promoting new products or specials they are having. There is a section of products that they think the average geek would like. As you scroll down there are other links to get the consumer more attached to there website. The website was recently redesigned. They changed the color scheme to gray,green, and white. It was originally blue and white.  They added a second line to the navigation bar hightlighting popular merchandise from Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, etc. It is an easy website to navigate and always has funny descriptions for its products.     

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition's website is awesome! My opinion is most biased because I have been waiting a while for this game to come out. But the website is easy to navigate and straight forward in what you will get when you click on it. They placed the footer in a sliding panel and if you click on explore the map, it leads you to different flags. Each flag holds information about events throughout the game's continent.  I think it is a good layout for a video game website but I am not sure about other types.
